
Thruster Monitoring Unit for SAC thrusters

For Motor Encoder and Oil Level Monitoring

Item code: TMU-1-SAC

The TMU-1 makes additional thruster information available on Sleipner S-Link™ bus. RPM of the thruster motor and gearleg low oil level alarm can be made available on Sleipner's PJC4 control panels by interfacing the thruster with TMU-1. This requires an RPM sensor on the thruster motor and a connection of Sleipner's 2.5 liters oil tank kit to the gearleg.

TMU-1-SAC is delivered with cable adapted for connection to RPM sensor mounted on AC thruster motors. RPM sensor is not a default option on thruster motors and must be ordered by specific part numbers.

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Dimensions Value
(H) Height 96mm / 3.8in
(W) Width 121.2mm / 4.8in